Mp3tag (3.21) (Portable, PC) (2025) Portable Download Torrent
Mp3tag helps edit tags and comments in audio files quickly. It supports several file formats AAC, FLAC, APE, MP3, MP4 (also known as M4A), MPC, OGG, OFR, OFS, SPX TTA WMA and WAV. You can use Mp3tag to work on music files one by one or in groups. You Can Also make custom scripts to generate reports.
Name | Mp3tag |
Year of release | 2023 |
Program version | 3.21 ver. |
Language | English, Multi |
Cracked/Activated | Present |
Developer | Mp3tag |
Assembly type | Portable, PC |
Key Features
- Tag and Comment Formats Supported: Writes ID3v1.1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, MP4, WMA, APEv2 tags, and Vorbis Comments for multiple files simultaneously.
- Tag Management: Saves typed tags and imports tags from online databases such as Amazon, Discogs, and Freedb.
- Advanced Functions: Supports regular expressions for flexible tag processing.
- File Operations: Renames files based on tags, and imports tags from file names.
- Tag and File Name Formatting: Formats tags and file names according to specified preferences.
- Unicode Support: Fully supports Unicode characters for international use.
- Tag Removal: Partially or completely removes tags from a batch of files.
- Export Options: Export tag information to HTML, RTF, CSV, XML formats.
- Automatic File Numbering: Automatically remembers and assigns file numbers.
- Lyric Management: Downloads song lyrics and saves them inside audio files or as separate text files.
- Folder Organization: Creates custom folder structures using tags and sorts audio files into newly created folders.
- Unused Tag Removal: Removes unused tags to clean up file metadata.
- Technical Details: Provides technical information about music files.
- User-Friendly Features: Supports Drag&Drop and offers a multilingual interface for ease of use.
System Requirements
- Operating System: Compatible with Windows (7, 8.1, 10, 11)
- Processor: Any modern processor with SSSE3 support (specifically supports AMD Bobcat, Bulldozer, Piledriver series; Intel Core 2 Duo or higher)
- Memory (RAM): Minimum 4GB recommended
- Hard Drive Space: Approximately 400MB required
- Graphics: OpenGL 3.3 equivalent or higher
- Display: Resolution of at least 1440 x 900 pixels, 32-bit color or higher (1920 x 1080 pixels recommended)
- Other Requirements: Java RE 8 u45 64-bit minimum.
Mp3tag Full Version Torrent Download
Mp3tag ? Follow these steps to download and install it smoothly:
- Click the download button below to initiate the download process.
- Once the download completes, locate the downloaded .zip file in your downloads folder.
- Right-click on the .zip file and select “Extract to Mp3tag . You’ll need 7-Zip, which you can download from here if you don’t already have it installed.
- Navigate to the extracted Mp3tag Activated folder.
- Double-click on the executable (.exe) application to launch the installation process.
- Make sure to run the application as an administrator by right-clicking on the executable and selecting “Run as administrator”.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
- Before extracting the software, ensure that your antivirus software is temporarily disabled to prevent it from interfering with any necessary files.
That’s it! You’re all set to explore Mp3tag .
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