Debian 9 Stretch XFCE Custom_spb Full Version Torrent Download

Debian 9 Stretch XFCE Custom_spb (9.9 June) (2019) Portable Download Torrent


The system is built on Debian 9.9 with the XFCE desktop environment and uses the 4.9.0-9-686-pae kernel. There are many changes in the software and settings compared to the original Debian version. It was put together in a Chroot environment. The image is universal (hybrid), meaning it can be used on various systems.

In LiveCD mode, it can also start on UEFI systems that have secure boot enabled.

After installing, the system takes up about 5.6 GB of space.

Name Debian 9 Stretch XFCE custom_spb
Released 2019
Program version 9.9 June ver.
Language English
Cracked/Activated Not required
Developer Free software community

Key Features 

  • XFCE Desktop Environment: Provides a lightweight and efficient user interface.
  • Based on Debian 9 Stretch: Stable and reliable foundation with long-term support.
  • Customized Software and Settings: Tailored for enhanced performance and user experience.
  • Chroot Environment Compilation: Ensures secure and isolated software builds.
  • Universal Image (Hybrid): Compatible with various systems and installation methods.
  • UEFI and Secure Boot Compatibility: Supports modern booting standards for secure operations.
  • Minimal Installation Size: Occupies approximately 5.6 GB after installation, optimizing disk space usage.

System Requirements

  • Processor: Intel Core i3 or equivalent AMD processor.
  • RAM: Minimum 4 GB RAM.
  • Storage: At least 20 GB of available disk space.
  • Graphics: Graphics card and monitor capable of 1024×768 resolution.
  • Internet: Internet connection (for updates and additional software).
  • Optical Drive or USB: CD/DVD drive or USB port for installation media.
  • UEFI Support: Required for UEFI boot mode with secure boot enabled.

Debian 9 Stretch XFCE Custom_spb Full Version Torrent Download

Debian 9 Stretch XFCE Custom_spb ? Follow these steps to download and install it smoothly:

  1. Click the download button below to initiate the download process.
  2. Once the download completes, locate the downloaded .zip file in your downloads folder.
  3. Right-click on the .zip file and select “Extract to Debian 9 Stretch XFCE Custom_spb . You’ll need 7-Zip, which you can download from here if you don’t already have it installed.
  4. Navigate to the extracted Debian 9 Stretch XFCE Custom_spb Activated folder.
  5. Double-click on the executable (.exe) application to launch the installation process.
  6. Make sure to run the application as an administrator by right-clicking on the executable and selecting “Run as administrator”.
  7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
  8. Before extracting the software, ensure that your antivirus software is temporarily disabled to prevent it from interfering with any necessary files.

That’s it! You’re all set to explore Debian 9 Stretch XFCE Custom_spb.

~~Screen Shots of Debian 9 Stretch XFCE Custom_spb ~~

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